Saturday, April 26, 2008

Emergency Room Visit = Vicodin Prescription and a Beautiful Sunrise

I woke at 3:30 this morning to pain in my abdomen and lower back. This level of pain is not uncommon for me, and I initially thought that I might be able to just grin and bear it. The pain quickly worsened to the point that I felt it necessary to wake Jeremy and ask him to drive me to Urgent Care. I experienced nausea, the chills, a fever, vomitting, etc. for some time before deeming this Emergency Room - worthy.

Unfortunately, the large Urgent Care center on Canton Center Road was closed, and the one near Lifetime Fitness only operates (no pun intended) between the hours of 8 AM and 10 PM. Apparently locals may only have an emergency between those hours if they want to be treated.

So, Jeremy drove me all the way to Garden City Hospital. I don't really remember much of that trip, other than feeling a great deal of pain. I was groaning, whining, screaming, and trying to keep from throwing myself onto the road to end it all. I made Jeremy pull over as we neared the Emergency Room parking area; I vomitted in the grass. I felt so classy at that moment.

After parking, we entered the hospital. No one was in the waiting room. I gave my ID and insurance card, filled out their short form, and tried to hold it together. Within five minutes I was in Triage. After the initial assessment, the nurse said it sounded like I was suffering from either a kidney stone or an ectopic pregnancy. Yeah, that second one is not a possibility. I was fairly certain it was a kidney stone way before we left the townhouse, anyway, after I was able to push on different parts of my abdomen and there was no additional pain (appendicitis would not yield the same results).

After moving on to my little ER station, I had to vomit again. The doctor and an intern arrived shortly thereafter, and they did a quick assessment so that the on-call nurses could put an IV in my arm. I was shaking uncontrollably, partly from dehydration but mostly from intense fear (I have always experienced Trypanophobia - a fear of needles). They were able to get the IV in on the first try, so that was good. It took several minutes for me to feel the effects. I was in the middle of my CAT scan when I finally felt some of the pain dissipate. The X-ray technician was really personable and we had a nice conversation. When he dropped me off back in the ER, I thanked him, which now seems a little weird to do.

I waited for a little while with Jeremy, trying to hold a conversation. I have no idea how lucid I really was at the time. Only a couple of minutes went by when my doctor (and intern) returned to let me know that I have a kidney that is at least four millimeters. Yippee. I was out of the hospital within the next ten minutes. I may have been there an hour, at most. Everyone there was friendly and helpful. If you get injured, Garden City Hospital is one of the most inviting places to go.

Jeremy drove me to CVS, where I paid my $3.00 for my Vicodin knock-off (Hyrdocodone) pills. We stopped at McDonald's for plain biscuits (one of my favorite comfort foods, right after grilled cheese sandwiches), where Jeremy's rage was unleashed on some moron in the truck behind us. We were told to pull ahead to wait for our food, and the guy behind us kept pulling up closer and closer, honking at us, telling us to move. Jeremy got out of the car and started yelling at the guy. Not the finest (or classiest) of moments, but I still had drugs from the hospital in my veins, so I wasn't too worried.

We eventually made our way home and I ate my biscuits (after, of course, knocking over my water all over graduate school papers and almost sitting on a cat). I watched the sun rise, which was lovely. I took a pill almost forty minutes ago and I have to tell you...I feel funky! I don't think I will be driving anywhere any time soon. Jeremy is asleep on the couch, but I can't seem to sleep (the pain medication is supposed to make me drowsy, too). So much for my plans to hit the gym this morning.

In a couple of hours, I will probably call my parents and let them know what happened. There's no sense in waking them for this.

I am really glad I decided not to go out last night (beyond a walk with Jeremy). I ended up going to bed early - which was good.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Too many thoughts

I've been really stressed lately, and my mind has been racing.

I finished my papers tonight, and I am looking forward to turning them in and not worrying anymore about this semester. I am considering attending the graduate research symposium tomorrow night, but I really just want to go somewhere and play my ukulele. Perhaps once I get bored I could do just that. I will find a quiet spot on campus and just strum the hours away. I hope the weather is nice.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

tests, lunch, naps, chores, and the kindness of strangers

I woke early to take a teacher certification test today (the ONLY test I have ever failed in the past). I did learn that the test editors FINALLY fixed the grammar portion, which is a blessing because for the last ten years the old German was being assessed. All of the changes went into effect in 2002, but no one had really checked the test. I am hoping to have my scores in a timely fashion. I have a major in German, so I am allowed to teach it, but it looks a lot better for highly qualified status if I've passed the test. Plus, with the new requirements with the class of 2016, I will have had to eventually pass the test anyway.

When I arrived at the testing site, I realized that I had lost my pencils. I am not usually an absent-minded person, but this time, I just don't know what happened. I asked a stranger if she had an extra and she did. I hope something nice happened for her today.

After the test, I took a short nap. Jeremy and I then met his family in Royal Oak for lunch. I really like that place. It makes me think of Traverse City, with the bustling downtown area. When we returned home, I took another nap while Jeremy got ready for work. When I woke again, I began my list of chores (mostly laundry). I will tackle the bathroom and the kitchen soon (after a short ukulele break).

Wow. It's Saturday night. I don't have papers to grade. And this is how I CHOOSE to spend my time. At least my clothes will be clean.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


I finished grading papers a little while ago. I have yet to enter the grades online; I just want to draw this out for some reason. I still need to put together my lesson plans. I have no desire to do anything, really.

My mind is racing. I feel almost 100% now.