Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Jogging = Equilibrium

I went for a jog tonight - it really cleared my head. I only made it three quarters of a mile before I had to just walk for a while, but that is definitely progress! My knee is not hurting at all, either (I've been taking glucosamine tablets for the past week). I had forgotten how balanced I used to feel when I exercised like this. I just have to keep this up!

I would love to find someone to walk with around here. James, if you find yourself lonely on your walks, please stop by. I'd love to walk and talk.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Heidelberg and other completely disjointed ideas

I recently learned that The Heidelberg in Ann Arbor is quite a venue. Club upstairs, nice restaurant on the main floor, and a traditional Rathskeller downstairs. They serve beer in a 3-liter glass boot!

I was going to attend the Ann Arbor Poetry Slam tonight, but I decided it might be good to stay in and organize my spare room (I rearranged the furniture so that I can set up ALL of my instruments). There's always the next one - the last Tuesday of July. Perhaps someone who reads this is interested in going with me. If so, please just comment, and I may be able to accommodate. I think I am more interested in the Rathskeller, to be honest. I still enjoy poetry readings and poetry slams (I should invite James D. to the next one, too).

As far as my spare room goes, I am in the process of collecting several bins of items to sell and donate. I think Jeremy will be shocked at the sparse look. I am tired of being tied to all of this junk. Welcome back that part of me that could be and leave all worldly possessions behind and travel the world (now, I have flight benefits, so this is KIND OF possible).

I spoke to Jesse today - next year, he will have the classroom right next to mine!!! He and I are planning to set up the 12th grade English curriculum within the next month - with the other English 12 teacher (complete with common consequences and procedures). He is one of the most creative and energetic people I know, and he says the same of me. What an awesome friend he has become! We will have a solid senior English program next year. He is even helping me to procure more German items (as I will also be teaching German 1 again). He will be leaving for Germany in a couple of weeks to stay with some friends, and he plans to bring me back a bunch of stuff to use for classroom decor. Meanwhile, I am helping him to find items that will go well with his theme - I've already told him he can use my inflatable palm tree and a box of other similar items. Hell, I can even pass along some of my more exotic plants, namely small tropical trees, when the weather changes and I have to bring them inside. I am really looking forward to this upcoming year.

As far as German planning, if I use the same items from this year, I am set. However, I want to introduce a much more student-centered and student-run approach that will follow the immersion format a little more closely than what my mentor has done, although I will use just about everything I did last year. I've already created my prototypes of documents and charts, complete with games and cultural activities (perhaps I will fly into Germany soon and spend some time learning drinking songs - it truly is a possibility now! I'm just waiting for my nice new passport.).

MV is recording more music. I'll have to get my hands on this CD, as well. Maybe soon he'll find himself a career in it and talk about when he "used to be an English teacher". More on that as times goes on.

I've finished several short stories recently, which feels really great. One has turned into something larger, but I am not sure how far it will go. Perhaps at some point soon I will share these writings with the world. They still seem too fragile yet. I am eagerly awaiting the poetry anthology that has another published piece within it. I know these things are mostly scams - but I chose this one because of the focus on education and its usefulness in my writing classroom. I find their purpose to be a good one, so I consider it a win-win. I am published, I paid my little fee for a book (there's no entry fee), and that money will hopefully go toward a student scholarship or contest award.

Other things...I need to hurry up and become active in the American Association of Teacher of German. They offer MANY opportunities for teachers to go to classes in Germany and travel throughout Europe on THEIR dime (well, my dime, as I have to pay dues). They also have some fairly substantial scholarships and awards for students.

I am also looking into the Student Ambassador program. I'd get to travel all over the world as a chaperone. This could be great for the summer or extended vacations. I don't mind keeping an eye on kids, and I want to travel. I'm sure I could find endless inspiration.

I found a very interesting (and FREE) site to track my fitness progress. I wish I were in the financial shape to hire people to show up and prepare food and scream at me like a drill sergeant to get my ass in shape, but seeing as I am not, I will have to make due. I think I will be able to get this going. I am walking and doing yoga already; the jogging is taking a toll on my knee, so I will have to cut back on that for now - just till I am in better shape, I suppose.

I feel like I have ADD today. It's time to get back to the spare room. My break is over, and I've still got a lot to do.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Has anybody seen 1408 yet? I am considering going to see it and I'd love to read your thoughts about the movie.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Summer Lish

To whom it may concern - you know who you are...

The reason I surround myself with interesting (and often tragically flawed) people is that I am often afraid to just go out and live. I'd rather live vicariously through someone who does not have that little voice in his/her head that tells him/her to worry about the consequences. I like being the reliable one. I like being the responsible one. I fear making mistakes.

But then, we introduce alcohol, and there I am - stumbling alongside the wild ones, relying on others to make sure I get home. Thank you to those who look out for me.

I think this summer may surprise you yet. I choose to throw caution to the wind. I choose to laugh openly, drink wildly, and be that person Jesse and Mike spend time with. ReeNee and Beck see contemplative drunk Lish. I don't like her, do you? She's boring and whiny.

I choose to show the one-and-a-half beer Lish. She likes to wear feather boas and sing karaoke and dance like no one's watching and flash her fiance and make jokes and flirt and do yoga and put her hair in pigtails and ogle men and be outgoing and not apologize for poor grammar and foul language. Now, who wants to buy this Lish her next drink?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dentist Appointment = Good Day

So, I went to the dentist, after not having gone in a very long time. Guess what!?!


I shouldn't be that surprised; I am meticulous with my teeth. I floss (using dental tape, which is WAY better for your gums) at least once per day, and I brush frequently. I was complimented on the condition of my teeth. On the other hand, three of my fillings need to be replaced, as they should have worn out years ago, so I made an appointment for next week to have them redone. There are small gaps between my fillings and the teeth, which is normal after time, but there is no damage. Now I am hoping my recurring dream of losing teeth will stop. I doubt it, though, as I believe that is symbolic of something else.

Afterward, I had lunch with my dad. Today was a really good day. I should have more of these.

Tomorrow may prove to be a good day, too. Jeremy may be coming home for a few days, and I have a concert.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Saving my blog

I made a (drunken) promise to Mike last night (this morning?) that I would not spend my weekend analyzing my life again. So...this is basically my placeholder. Ann Arbor was the place to be, as usual. Great drinks! Great conversation! The greatest company!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Questions from alcohol

I've been thinking about my interactions with alcohol these past six months. I over-analyze everything. Some of the more recent discussions and actions have left me questioning myself. These are not to any one person but many from months of being too drunk to drive home, etc. You figure which question is to whom. And then, feel free to answer...if you're feeling up to it.

Do we ever voice our lingering thoughts after drinking too much?
What did you mean you and your wife live totally separate lives?
Why would you tell me that?
Did we only get along because we both had been drinking?
Do you remember everything we talked about?
Why do you think that more alcohol will increase your chances?
Why can't you ever remember that I am engaged?
Do you remember anything we talked about?
Do you want to remember everything you said and everything I said?
Is there anything better than Riesling?
Was I overstepping boundaries?
Why do you keep trying to put your arm around me?
Do I fucking look interested?
What did it all mean?
Did we reach a new peace?
Did we connect like we used to?
Why was your hand on my back?
Did you forgive me in that moment?
What did it mean to you?
Would you want to talk again?
Did we say everything?
Do you understand me now?
How did we used to do this for so many hours?
Do you hate me?
Do you think less of me?
Do you think more of me?
Do you truly understand that hatred is not something that could ever exist from me to you?
Who am I to you now?
Can't you see the damned rock on my hand?
Why did I feel the way I did?
Was I trying to prove something?
Were you trying to prove something?
Are we competing?
What am I to you now?
Did I make you laugh?
Did I make you cry?
Will you lend me a shoulder again when things are tough?
Why do you keep picking me up time and time again?
What is everyone else saying?
Is it rude of me to ask if you remember our discussion?
Why did we walk the way we did?
Are you waiting for me to throw the next party?
Did you get the message?
Am I a better person when drunk?
Are you going to tell my secrets?
Should I tell yours?
Did I do anything to offend you?
Did I do anything inappropriate that did not offend you?
Can Ann Arbor be our drinking place?
Why did you start dating her, when you told me you wouldn't get involved with anyone at work?
Why did you finish my drinks?
Why did you stop hanging out with me?
Why do you shut me out?
Can we do shots again?
Can I get those terrible poems back I wrote at the bar?
Where did our novel-idea napkin go?
Will I ever be able to recreate that one night?
Will you take me out on the dance floor again?
Why do you let me drink before bed?
Why can't I let go and be wild?
What am I so afraid of?
Why do events from my past still stir up panic and fear?
Why do I scrub everything in my home after drinking?
How is it that I only plan to have one drink and wind up at the end of a liquor luge?
How does drinking make me even more introspective?
Why does my German improve?
Who is the life of your parties when I am not around?
How did you function without me?
Are we really friends?
Will you ever respond?
Did you ever say that to anyone else?
When you lingered in the hug, what did that mean to you?
What will you do with my information?
Will we still be friends six months from now?
How many times are you going to spill your drink on me?
What did the 'look' mean?
What were you planning on when ordering those extra drinks?
Did you really expect for the party to continue?
Why do you have to be so nice about it?
When are you coming back to do this all over again?
Why did you choose that drink on that night?
Will you hold my hair back?
Are you still nervous around me?
Are we friends again yet?
Do you mind if I flirt with you?
Where do you see this going?

Do I have a problem?

Saturday, June 09, 2007

bloggety blog blog blog

Another Saturday just about gone. No plans for later.

Jeremy's in Minneapolis. I had considered hanging out with friends tonight, but I never followed through and called them. They never called me either, so I guess we're cool.

With summer vacation official started, I need someone to hang out with. I am tired of sitting around. I am already tired of cleaning. I am tired of not having an exciting life - I had one in college, I had one in Florida (which led to some unwanted attention from a coke-head - a story for another time), I had a great social life in Battle Creek. Paw Paw only lent itself to foster that side of me that loves nature walks and photography. I did meet a few people in K'zoo, though, and we had good times (especially when Mike drove in a took me to see Brian Vander Ark at Kraftbrau after a lovely dinner at Olde Peninsula). This year, I've been able to hang out with new friends from work. I could hang out with them every Friday, but I think that that will put me on the track I was in Florida, which is the path toward developing a drinking problem (you can ask Jeremy what I was like when he returned - I quit drinking - cold turkey - and experienced some interesting things). I want to see my old friends. That seems to take a lot more planning.

Who would like to hang out with me? Leave a comment or two.