I have been testing myself with the Fibonacci sequence to make sure I am okay (google Fibonacci Number). I usually handwrite it and make additional notes to see if i can chart the changes in my though processes as my brain heals in this first year following my aneurysm rupture.
I struggled with this sequence in April 2011, which irritated me. My notes that I began writing then were, for teh most part, unintelligible. By May, I was listing notes that were mostly old-school arithmetic forms, complete with + and = symbols.
In July, I stopped writing the notes to myself, instead just focusing on the math itself and trying to keep all arithmetic inside my head.
In September I was too focused on my broken heart to check my math computation skills on my own. October was similar, but my psychological evaluation for work included math that followed the Fibonacci pattern. I liked being ready for a test like that.
In November, I began dating someone whose background in math and psychology lead to his own study of my abilities, emotions, etc. We were not a good match, overall, and we stopped dating in early December, but he started the Fibonacci sequence again. I had a few moments when I did not appear okay, so he felt the need to check my mental processing ability to figure out if I was suffering another stroke. I was not. I was overheated and nearly passed out while at his residence. After correctly calculating math sums, I was calm and was able to breathe normally, regain my composure, and go about my visit.
Now, months later, I find myself calculating math sums again. I am not writing it down, but I am articulating my thought process out loud. It's a strange thing to be saying to myself, but it seems to be helping me focus my attention.