This month, I feel more like myself than I have in the past three years, five months, and twenty-six days.
In those 1,276 days, I have been through the following:
1. Brain surgery and recovery
2. Four new jobs. The latest is the most amazing!
3. Four broken hearts (although I think only three were intentional)
4. A legal battle (still unresolved)
5. A return to (and somewhat of a departure from) the Catholic church.
6. Visited Canada. A lot.
7. Started living more in the moment because I finally understand that our time here is short and I want to live.
8. I helped a friend who needed more support than I thought I could give, and I think I'm now more his family than his family is his family.
9. Gained a new best friend who would do anything for me, just as I would do anything for him.
10. Began volunteering for a noble cause with a health organization nearby.
11. Returned to the fold of music. It's everywhere - my volunteer activities, my leisure activities, my relationship (my boyfriend is in charge of two music organizations in the area).
12. Joined German language groups.
13. Committed more to my writing group.
14. Started selling my endless amount of books on Amazon.
15. Started dancing - the Argentine tango!
16. Started to forgive some of those people who've wronged me (the serious wrongs).
17. Walked for a charity cause (Brain Aneurysm Foundation).
18.Was gifted a large saloon-style upright concert grand piano.
19. Helped friends find new partners and find new careers.
20. Removed some people from my circle of friends - people who were thwarting my progress.