Sunday, November 04, 2007

Postsecret and such

Sunday is postsecret day. I usually wake early and look at all the postcards people have sent in. Today, I didn't remember to check until much later. I was busy typing my paper.

I marvel at the baring of souls, while also wondering if some people send in secrets that are complete fabrications just to shock Frank and get posted online.

Should secrets be purged? Or should people be taught to use some discretion and keep some things private?


Anonymous said...

the truth will set you free, when you have no secrets, you are free from the burden of remembering a lie.

Joe C said...

I think the whole idea about PostSecret is so that people can stop bottling up said secrets and get it out. This way, they can do it in a more anonymous venue, but see the secret was released.

Maybe some people need to use discretion, but then some people just don't care.

I think it's the rush of the release of said secret which really fuels the site, along with humanity's voyeuristic fascination.

Admit it, you like reading those secrets. As do I. It's human nature.

Joe C said...

See, I don't think a secret has to relate to a lie. Just something not being said.

Anonymous said...

holding back information = not telling the whole truth. Being able to freely express all of your emotions is the most exhillerating and best feeling ever.

Joe C said...

Ah but what if the information wasn't asked for, but still something you consider a secret? It's not a lie, just not information requested.

Yes. I know. Semantics.