Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Tupperware Man and other stories

So, the revenge meeting person turned out to be very heavy into daily drug use.

I met another POF guy. His name - Joe. He has turned out to be obsessive and possessive. I'm not quite sure how to rid myself of him. The shit hit the fan yesterday, and I am trying like hell to distance myself from him as quickly as possible. I started calling him Tupperware man because he refuses to return some Tupperware of mine.

I went to meet someone in Windsor. I stopped to see Steve. He and I had a very calm and polite conversation. Part of me really misses him, even though I'm still hurt.

The new Windsor guy seems friendly...not interested in more than friendship, which is fine by me.

Went to meet a guy named Andy tonight. The meeting was friendly, but I had hoped there might be some sort of spark since he's a nice guy...never married, no kids. And he's cute....very cute.

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