My credit score is terrific! I am just irritated that my apartment complex entered my name incorrectly and therefore, it appears that I have an alias. I have to call and get that cleared up. All they did was put things in the wrong order, but still...I don't need any extra hassles when I apply for a house loan or anything.
Today is such a beautiful day. I feel bad that Jeremy and I didn't enjoy it more. I took my car in for maintenance, and then we went to my parents' house for lunch (we were actually going to take my mom to the Strawberry Festival so that she could get an elephant ear or funnel cake, but she didn't want to go). Jeremy and I came home and tried to have one of those conversations that only I initiate - you know, the ones that examine what direction we are going, if things are really headed down the right path, yada yada yada. It didn't result in an argument; on the contrary, we actually tried to figure some things out. Then we parked in front of the TV and watched DEA on Spike.
TV = Soma
I am not sure when It happened but years ago when my credit was pulled up for the first time I was looking it over ( this was before me and chuck got married) and there was a alias listed *Paula Brace* not sure when that happened I think it was when me and Chuck moved into those apartments on Warren Road. Obviously now it doesn't matter cause its legally my last name but it used to bother me. When I looked into it they said that there was nothing they could do to remove it.
One of my apartment complexes put my name out of order (as well as Jeremy's), and there is nothing we can do about it. It does bother me a bit. I think many people end up having stuff like that - at least that's what I've been told when I contacted the credit bureau.
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