Friday, August 10, 2012

Day of Reckoning

The past is moving on today. Both the ex-fiance and the former best friend have carved out new lives for themselves and they officially march down those paths today. The most recent ex-boyfriend....the one i felt the deepest love I've ever felt for anyone....blocked me on FB and then sent me an email stating that he wants me to find someone who actually treats me the way I deserve to be treated....that we have too many "issues" between us for him to even offer friendship. What a jerk. I hate that THAT particular love left me blind and weak. Vulnerable. And I'm so afraid that I will never feel love like I did for him. Deep down, I know it will always be there. I'm trying so hard to let myself feel something like that for the new guy. It's a very slow, guarded process for me. He's more than patient, and I'm really hoping I don't screw this up.

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