Tuesday, December 31, 2019

I'm not ready for you to only be a memory

Alison is having more bad days than good days.

In February 2019, she was paralyzed in her back legs and tail. With acupuncture and lots of pain medication, she regained the use of her hind legs. Her tail has not come back "online."

In May 2019, the vet noticed a drop in Alison's weight from 9 pounds to 7 pounds. We worked on bulking up her weight through higher fat content food.

In November 2019, the vet explained that she had only a week or two left, but she has managed to survive almost two more months. She had dropped from 7 pounds to under 5 pounds, and the vet found a mass in her abdomen but couldn't test it due to Alison's low body weight.

Alison's weight has gone up and down every week since that November appointment, and she is still walking, eating, drinking, and using the litterbox properly.

We have an appointment today for End-of-Life evaluation and care after several days of extreme lethargy, weakness, lack of eating, and general pain. Depending on what the vet says, we might need to euthanize her today or we can wait.

No one is ready to lose a person or a pet, but I am really not ready for her to only be a memory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy belated.