Monday, March 17, 2025

Waiting to Go Numb

You're not really my friend, are you?

You deny me the parts of your life that are obviously important, and you have played with my feelings for so long that I fear I've let you cause irreparable harm to me. 

You lied to me, ouright, and that tells me you don't respect me. You'd probably argue that you didn't lie - that you didn't know until now what you wante. Then you shouldn't have started anything. 

You know me. You know how my heart works. 

I needed to feel like I mattered, and you failed me...again. 

I know I'm sensitive, and you've said that I take everything personnally. Everything's "personal" when you're a if you are cold and closed off, you are actually not more evolved. You are the opposite.


No, I don't wish you happiness becuase you provided me with heartache, misery, and a few triggers that won't soon go away. 

There is nothing that says I need to forgive you. It might be possible if you were actually sorry for what you've done to hurt me. 

I keep hoping to just go numb to you and your life.

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