Sunday, February 24, 2008

quiet time

Some random thoughts...

1. I like that banks are FINALLY trying to disguise checks when they send them. They now look like packages from cigarette companies. I find it strange that I know what cigarette companies send, considering I am very much against smoking.

2. I imagine how distraught I will be the day one of my cats dies. I don't know how I will keep from doing something stupid.

3. I do not have many secrets, but I do have a few that could change my life drastically if I divulged them. Some better, some worse.

4. I think the rest of my life will fluctuate between contentment and being miserable. I don't see a lot of middle ground.

5. Sudafed lowers my heart rate a great deal. I was having trouble sustaining a good aerobic heart rate while exercising at the gym tonight.

6. I have no idea who I would like to see as our next president.

7. I haven't done anything teaching-related all week! I have so much to do tomorrow.

8. I hate that my mother is dragging me to yet another bridal show on Sunday morning. I'd rather be working out - and I don't like working out and exercising all that much.

9. My place is drafty.

10. I am a terrible house-keeper lately.

11. I want to throw my couch in the dumpster.

12. The rattling component in my dryer stopped moving tonight. I keep checking to see if everything is done.

13. I gained back all of the weight I lost last year. I can't wait until the weather turns warm again. I want to hit the trails again with my bike. I really don't like the hamster-in-a-wheel approach to fitness. I can understand going to the gym for machines and weights, but I HATE jogging/walking/climbing stairs/biking on machines.

14. I would bet money that most of my senior English students haven't done anything for their test on Tuesday.

15. I have to order more items for my classroom - that is, if I don't leave the school for another job.

16. I really want the job in TC. That would make my life so much better. I'd be living near the water and forest. I'd be so much happier! Except for the fact my family is around here and my closest friends are here, as well. I couldn't go out with the Mikes or with Maureen regularly. Mondays with Mike V. wouldn't be a possibility at all. He might move to Chicago, anyway. His girlfriend is moving in about a week, and I'm sure he is considering a move, too.

17. I should go to bed. I have to wake up early and work out. Then I am going to a bridal show. Then I have all of my planning and grading to do. I then have a presentation to plan, as well as three papers. I think I will be okay, though.


Anonymous said...

You still use checks?

I kid you not, I am still using the first book of 25 that I received when I changed my account because of the Divorce in early 2005. I think I write maybe 2-3 checks a year.

Lish said...

Jeremy finally ran out of checks, actually. He was using the ones that had his address from three years ago.

Stepho said...

I am with you on number two.
I will be that person who calls off work due to "family reasons" and cries for two weeks.