Saturday, September 20, 2008

Out of My Way

I am wondering a lot about marriage. I listen to my friends, colleagues, and my family. I haven't heard many positives lately. That doesn't give me a lot of hope.

On the other side of the coin, Jeremy and I are doing very well. We discuss issues calmly and maturely, and we are going out and having fun with each other. That has been spotty over the past several years. And I think that it is mostly my fault. I won't say that he has been a saint and I've been a devil, but I've been relying on friends too much to help solve my relationship problems when I should have been speaking directly to Jeremy. There may have been a few people who "got in the way" from time to time, even though they had said that they didn't want to get in the way. I think now that those are famous last words.

I slept really well last night, and I was able to sleep late today. I rarely get enough sleep, and having a few alcoholic beverages last night calmed me. I wasn't drunk, but I was able to relax. I had many vivid dreams. I woke up a couple of times, including when Jeremy came home and when I had to turn off the alarm I forgot to reset last night.

I woke this morning thinking of poetry and songs. It was a great way to wake up.

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