Sunday, February 04, 2007

Fate and other thoughts

I have never before believed in fate. Yesterday, though, it was so obvious. I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

I started my evening with dinner out with two friends from high school. We had been trying to meet for quite a while, so it was great to see them.

I decided, after a reluctant bout, to help chaperone the Coming Home dance at my school. On my drive there, I talked to Mike on the phone. He was surprised to find that I was being so dedicated to my school - I haven't been very loyal and supportive toward my school thus far.

When I arrived, I was welcomed by the other staff members who didn't really expect to see me. I helped with coats, crowd control, photos, and then spent the latter part of the night preparing drinks for the students. I was even able to goof around a bit with one of our student teachers, an attractive man that graduated from my high school two years after me. It was great to talk to someone who had a similar background.

After the dance, several of the teachers met at The Tap Room in Ypsi. I hadn't originally planned on going, but I decided that it might be good for me to get out.

Soon after arriving, I saw an old friend - Noah. I haven't seen Noah in about a year. We were good friends two years ago when I worked at the hotel. We would hang out and drink, which was always a welcomed vacation from my eighty-hour workweek. Somewhere along the way, he started to like me, which made work awkward. I still remained his friend, and we've kept in touch minimally. I usually just stay in touch with a mutual friend, James.

I hollered his name, and he turned, totally stunned. He had never before visited Ypsi, and it is just such a weird coincidence that he was in the same bar I was visiting for the first time. I truly believe there is a reason I saw him. I don't know what that reason is, but it was necessary for me to be in that place, especially since I had planned not to go.

We talked for about twenty minutes before exchanging our new phone numbers. He ended up calling to see if I wanted to hang out around 2 AM, when I was leaving The Tap Room (yes...we closed the bar). His brother and friend were teasing him as he tried (TRIED) to talk to me (he was quite drunk). I got the impression, from what the other guys were saying, that he had been talking about me after we met in the bar. He begged me to drive back to Ypsi to party with them. I didn't think that would be a good move, so I continued on my way home. At the end of our conversation, he called me 'honey'. Although I usually get pissed about this sort of thing, it actually made me feel good. Jeremy and I have found ourselves in yet another rut. I would like to start planning a wedding, but he still hasn't asked.

Here's a thought...I should plan the wedding and reception, but I should leave a groom's name off, just for now. If Jeremy does follow through, then he will be the one. If he doesn't, then I will have a big party to celebrate my release "back into the wild". What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I am not sure if you are joking or not, but I have read about women planning weddings/parties just as you described. I guess it is a very modern thing?

I do know a lot of women are being the one's to ask the question though. You don't strike me as the type that would do that though.

Who knows? I could go on another one of my self righteous, pain filled opinionated comments on relationships and marriage, but I will Spare everyone this time. lol :) I am starting to think my experience may not apply to everyone.

Anyway, Theodore and I are scheduled to move in this week sometime between Wednesday and Friday. I am still not sure how eveything is going to work with the move yet though.

Anonymous said...

Well, after your very open questioning of when, maybe that will kick Jeremy in the head and make him understand that you are serious. If he isn't willing to accomodate your wants and needs, then its time you stopped accomodating his, and celebrate your life.

Lish said...

Jeremy has mentioned before that he would not "feel like a man" if I asked him. He keeps saying that he wants to move forward...wouldn't that be the next step? I mean, we have been living together for years (on an off, due to restrictions with previous employment - Catholic school, and working on opposites sides of the state).

I can't wait for you to move in to the complex!

I am all about moving forward, you know? I will see you on Wednesday evening. We need that "girl talk" night.