So, I went to the dentist, after not having gone in a very long time. Guess what!?!
I shouldn't be that surprised; I am meticulous with my teeth. I floss (using dental tape, which is WAY better for your gums) at least once per day, and I brush frequently. I was complimented on the condition of my teeth. On the other hand, three of my fillings need to be replaced, as they should have worn out years ago, so I made an appointment for next week to have them redone. There are small gaps between my fillings and the teeth, which is normal after time, but there is no damage. Now I am hoping my recurring dream of losing teeth will stop. I doubt it, though, as I believe that is symbolic of something else.
Afterward, I had lunch with my dad. Today was a really good day. I should have more of these.
Tomorrow may prove to be a good day, too. Jeremy may be coming home for a few days, and I have a concert.
When you dream about losing teeth it's usually a symbol for being afraid of losing control of something in your own life. I frequently have the same sort of dream.
(I'm a friend of Joe C's by the way, I got here by clicking around on the internet. Hi!)
Thanks! And welcome!
Bah! Stepho beat me to the explanation! Apparently she does not understand that it is my job to do that here. ;) lol
I think there's room enough for both of you.
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