I went for a jog tonight - it really cleared my head. I only made it three quarters of a mile before I had to just walk for a while, but that is definitely progress! My knee is not hurting at all, either (I've been taking glucosamine tablets for the past week). I had forgotten how balanced I used to feel when I exercised like this. I just have to keep this up!
I would love to find someone to walk with around here. James, if you find yourself lonely on your walks, please stop by. I'd love to walk and talk.
Speaking of talking and clearing one's head -- are you going to be available to chat on the phone later? I need to vent and get some advice.
I am going to dinner with Melissa at about 6, and then I will be picking Jeremy up at the airport at 8:15. Just give me a call and let me know what's going on. I will adjust my schedule as necessary.
I just got back in town from Cornerstone festival.
I need to get back into my workout routine so I think I will be walking tomorrow evening sometime. I need to do at least 4 or 5 miles or more since I have not done any significant distance in a week or so.
I am used to being myself. It may be interesting to have some company. :)
I joined Lifetime Fitness today. It was/is more expensive then the Y or livonia rec, but they offer so much more.
I figured I needed to step up and increase my workouts from just running/walking to full body workouts.
It is a nice bonus that It is right down the street.
I am proud of you! I know so many people who work out there. I wish I could afford it.
Perhaps I should recalculate my budget and cut out some other "extras" here, like graduate tuition, electricity, and food.
Oh, why do I work for the lowest-paying district in Wayne County?
trust me -- the one thing you need is motivation! I have a gym membership but that does no good if you don't ever go to it. It is much cheaper to buy a set of weights and do a routine at home... But again motivation is the key!!!
Motivation is always needed. My motivation comes from the fact that I drive past lifetime at least twice a day, since it is just down the street. Quite often I walk right by it.
I was completely surprised at how much Lifetime offers. I had no idea that Majority of their classes are included with the base membership fee.
And them being 24/7 is quite an incentive too. With my work schedule being so sporatic, it is nice to be able to go whenever I can go.
And no "yearly" or lifetime contracts. It is all month to month. You can stop paying whenever you want.
The only thing that Sucks is the enrollment fee. $175. But they offer discounts to several classes of people such as state employees, fire, police, etc etc.
I am not sure why I am typing all this. :)
free advertising?
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