The tulip and crocus bulbs I planted over a year ago are sprouting. I didn't know that they would do that two years in a row! It was a nice surprise to see little purple flowers budding in front of my place. I can't wait for the roses to bloom again.
I felt much better today than I've felt in over a week. I am still coughing a little, but I am able to sleep.
I finished my first draft of my Harry Potter paper. I decided to call it 'Harry Potter and the Impact of J.K. Rowling's Political Consternation. Yeah, I'm a nerd.
The 9-page handout for my presentation for my literary criticism class is done, done, done! And it looks sharp! Andrew and I will be discussing Marxist criticism, New Historicism, and Cultural Studies (and how they serve the same literary piece in different ways).
I have some of my revisions done on my literary criticism paper that I need to discuss with my professor on Wednesday night before I turn it in.
I am so glad it is warming up. I can't wait to ride my bike outdoors. I can't wait to go for walks in Hines. I can't wait to make my camping and other vacation plans for summer.
I am still sick too.. Feeling much much better though.
Whatever this illness is, it is not fun.
Congrats on getting all of that work done! If only I could stay awake to get mine done. I need about 30 hours to get all caught up in my homework and I might actually pass...
Speaking of which, I need to interview you for an assignment. When can we meet up for an hour?
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