Sunday, March 08, 2009


Grade papers
Enter grades online
Create lesson plans
Write text accompaniment to image transmediation for class
Read more of Bitter Fruit
Register for AATG and MCTE conferences in April
Hit the gym
Color hair
Reorganize the Tupperware cupboard
Fix broken kitchen drawer
Fix broken handrail
Color hair
Update calendar (conferences, dress shopping with Maureen, etc.)
Practice music for band rehearsal
Clean the bathroom
Clean the living room
Put new sheets on the bed
Choose scenes for analysis (Romeo and Juliet - both 1997 and 1968 films)
Read more of Reeds in the Wind for presentation
Gather more of Jeremy's stuff
Scoop the litter box
Wash, dry, and put away dishes
Put shoes away
Play the ukulele
Take out the trash


Anonymous said...

How many times did you color your hair yesterday? heeheehee

Lish said...

I put it on there several times to make sure I followed through, but I actually finished very few of these things (including coloring my hair).