Friday, March 27, 2009

Vitamin B

I am so tired today. Teaching really took everything out of me. I feel sleepy rather than exhausted, which is a nice difference from the way I've been feeling lately. Since I visited the doctor over the weekend, I've been taking a variety of vitamins (I should just get a multi-vitamin, but those have made me ill in the past, so I am somewhat leery of doing that).

My vitamin B deficiency has led to some interesting skin, behavioral, and emotional issues as of late. I didn't realize that things has deteriorated so much. It feels good to be clearer now, but I wonder about what problems could have been avoided over the past four to five months. I guess that is my nature to second-guess myself when there really is no other way for things to have happened. I can't change the past. I can only learn the lesson that is in there somewhere.

I wish I had noticed the symptoms of the deficiency earlier. I could have put myself on track and probably saved myself a lot of aggravation.

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