Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's a Tuesday.

Either terrible dreams are returning to me or I am returning to them; I haven't decided my perspective on this yet. It's an uncomfortable start to a day when I already feel anxiety without true provocation. I decided that cleaning would be a fantastic activity this morning. I am sort of let my kitchen go, and it is full of clutter. Laundry needs to be washed. I like to work on things concurrently, so I have Tilex breaking up soap scum in the bathtub while I put dishes in the dishwasher, which I will start once the first load of laundry is in the dryer and I am scrubbing the tub. I've already cleaned all electronics, mirrors, and windows - the windows I cleaned before I opened them to air out my place.

It's amazing how quickly time is progressing. Exactly one week ago, I was entering the Adult ESL office in Walled Lake to interview for a part-time teaching position. Carolyn interviewed right before me, and I hoped that both of us would be offered the two positions.

Now, I am faced with cleaning up my home while focusing on leaving. I am pitching many things. I need to post some of them on the Western Wayne (MI) Freecycle group so that other people may enjoy / use the things I haven't touched in so long.

My parents asked what I might like this year for my birthday. It seemed a bit early, but I think they were considering getting me something for my home. I could really use a new couch, to be honest. I'm certain that they would "surprise" me with this. I am notoriously practical, and I tend to ask for things I would just buy for myself anyway. In fact, my laptop was more of an extravagant purchase. I have a desktop, but with grad school, it has been somewhat unreliable. It does not stay connected to the internet well, nor does it progress through functions the way it used to. It is still a decent computer, but 2002 was a long time ago, and I need to be embracing new technology not only in my classroom but also in my regular life. I think I might ask for little things like pill boxes (I have to take a lot of vitamins and supplements, but not all every day). I like keeping track of things like this as it helps me to process information and forces me to remember the day before in greater detail, but I think it might be okay to give in to more regimented practices. I will probably end up buying one this week or something, though. That's just who I am.

Well, I just heard the end of the washer cycle. I am back to cleaning. I want to have at least one room done by the time I leave for my cousin's graduation dinner tonight.

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