Monday, August 17, 2009

Ending on a Positive

Things weigh heavily on me when most of my life is out of balance. I cannot escape thoughts about how I no longer measure up to my old standards (or the standards of others).

The easiest way out is not an easy choice, even though I think of it often.

NWLB = pretty much a dead-end for me
employment = no job
music = no inspiration
writing = complaints about how rotten my life is right now (who really wants to read that!?!)
love = who knows? I don't. Both Maureen and Melissa are headed toward marriage. I feel more and more depressed each day.
grad school = excellent grades, but no money to go
life = hell, but there's always death to look forward to
money = the root of many evils

Ending on a positive: I just saved a bundle on my car (and renter's) insurance with MEEMIC.

1 comment:

Joe C said...

The only thing I can say is it will come when it's time. Things aren't always peachy, and I think you know this by now.

Change happens and sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. Have faith. I know you will make it through.