Tuesday, October 17, 2006

strange brew

No...this post has nothing to do with a movie.
I just feel odd today. I became severely dehydrated today at work. I lost partial vision in my right eye. I have experienced this before, but it hit me like a ton of bricks. My students in fifth hour were absolutely wonderful. They kept refilling my water bottle for me and they stayed quiet the entire class period - which is uncommon. When I got home, I created a really tastey concoction to hydrate myself quickly. Perhaps I will post the recipe soon.

The end of the first quarter is quickly approaching, and I couldn't be happier.
My students seem to be raising their grades without much prompting from me.
I have a lot of energy today - that might be due to the new vitamins I am taking.
I feel healthy.
Today is the first day my shoulder and neck haven't been killing me.
I worked.
I spoke to a parent.
I spent time with Jeremy before he left for St. Louis (he'll be training until Friday).
I ate a healthy dinner and two healthy snacks today.
I attended my class in Dearborn, which is always great.
I cleaned the bathroom.
I cleaned my bedroom.
I did two loads of laundry.
I graded papers.
I planned tomorrow's activities.
I organized several binders to show my students how to complete a project.
I did the dishes.
I had a department meeting.
And my two former professors sent my recommendation letters.

Busy day. Good day.

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