Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I was finally able to register for my spring classes. I also took the last seats available in two of the classes I want to take in the fall semester. I could have my MA by the end of summer '08! The best part - it is NOT one of those lame-ass excuses for an MA that many teachers are "buying." It is from an actual university that requires attendance and reading and homework and lecture. I know that I could have easily completed the garbage degrees just to make more money, but I really do take pride in my education. I like having a challenge. I like knowing that the paper is truly worth something. I just couldn't justify spending money on something that would not lead to the next step - earning my Ph.D., which is still several years away. I am planning to take on the combined English and Education doctoral program at U of M.

Well, back to the present here...

Tomorrow is my last day until April 16th. I really do enjoy having vacations sprinkled throughout my career. I have much to do in very little time.

1. plan the remainder of the school year (with a condensed version for my graduating seniors)
2. clean my apartment (I have a temporary plan for my living room - I can't afford new furniture with tuition payments in the works)
3. unpack everything that has been sitting in the basement
4. attend rehearsal for percussion and band
5. attend a two-day conference at MSU
6. get all of my paperwork, ID, parking permit at EMU
7. meet with my advisor and see what I can complete as independent study over the summer, seeing as there are no course offerings that I need, and I can't really see how taking the summer off would be beneficial in the long run
8. garden
9. take my bike for a tune-up
10. meet with Ryan and help him with interview questions and help him put together a teaching portfolio
11. scope out wedding sites

I really want to hang out with friends next week. Who's free? I think I will have most evening open.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, You are more then welcome to stop by here whenever. BYOB this time though. ;) lol

And you could just make the basement into a second living room.

Anyway, Congrats on getting registered.

I have been planning to attend Eastern for My Masters Degree in Emergency Management for two years now. Never really put much effort into registering though. I really should get out and do that. Maybe I should look into starting the fall.

And again, I babble... I was supposed to go tthe Tigers game today, but it was cancelled do to weather. The same weather which has prohibited me from riding today.

Oh well. I think I will go take a nap.