Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Risk II

I bought a bunch of discount games for my PC. Among them - Risk II. I can't stop playing it!


Anonymous said...

One of my recent indulgences was a CD with the old atari arcade games -- original PacMan and Ms PacMan, DigDug, Tetris, Galactica, etc....
But my recent addiction has been the Sims...MH and I created our own characters and childhood pets (I had created Max and he created his cat Morris)...then our characters fell in love, got married, had kids, grew gardens and now we are expecting our first grandchildren... I wish I wasn't living this dream virtually....

Anonymous said...

Risk II.


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! Give me a call. Let me know what you're up to....
We need to chat again before I leave -- I'm heading back to Germany...