Sunday, January 06, 2008

A different kind of Mike.

Today (er, yesterday?), Mike K. and Noelle came over for a visit. It was nice to have yet another Mike visit my place. Usually Mike A. comes over. Mike V. has been over once (we typically meet in Ann Arbor). Mike (Autumn's husband) has been here several times. There have been other Mikes, too.

Anyway...we sat and shared our stories. I was surprised that Mike hasn't really changed much. On the phone, he doesn't come across that way. In person, he seems to want to make things almost larger than life. I don't mean that he exaggerates; I mean that events that shaped him in high school have now become a major part of his world view. I suppose I had forgotten how intense his personality can be. It was a nice visit, nonetheless. Noelle was quiet. She and I can usually talk up a storm, but it seemed that she was slinking into the shadow of Mike. I didn't like seeing that. There should always be a balance. I couldn't see it. I hope everything is okay. Noelle says that things are fine, but I worry. She is my fraternity "brother" from college. We used to hang out a bit on campus back in the day. I knew her before her first marriage. I was there when things went sour, and she had to leave him behind. Mike was busy idealizing high school, and I realized that while my behaviors and certain patterns are still there, I don't think the way I used to. I guess I thought everyone changed the way I did. I didn't expect for Mike to tell me that I should go find my Dorothy costume (he told me that when he saw me wearing that costume in 1995, he started to like me). Who says that in front of their spouse!?! Or the woman's fiance!?!

When they left, Jeremy was quiet. I immediately became worried, because Jeremy is a regular Chatty Cathy. He said that he is surprised how normal I am. He has met a number of my friends, and is often surprised that I am the way I am - a little eccentric but relatively mainstream normal (at least in what I display to the world). This is not to say that my friends are freaks or anything - most of them aren't. Some, though, are a bit out there. I do have friends who: opt to cross dress, opt to be Goth, opt to wear costumes, opt to cover themselves with tattoos and piercings, opt to live "alternative lifestyles", opt to be nudists, opt to take drugs (although I usually don't spend a lot of time with those folks), opt to grow thick beards and live in the wilderness, opt to go to Star Trek conventions (and wear Spock ears and pins outside of the events), opt to live "on the road", opt to live in communes, opt to designate days at home where they are only allowed to speak in lines by certain authors and poets (I am intrigued by this!), opt to attend psychic fairs and Renaissance festivals (yes, I used to spend a lot of time with those people), opt to be political activists, and more. I also have what Jeremy would call "normal" friends - people who go to school/college, go to work a standard job, meet friends and barbecue stuff, etc. I think he was just a bit bothered that we had a convicted felon in our home today for several hours. Seeing as Jeremy's bachelor's degree is in criminal justice and political science, I can understand how his perspective on life might not be aligned with our guest's.

It wasn't uncomfortable or anything. Jeremy just didn't expect someone coming over to our home, boasting about all of the people he had beaten up over the years, how he joined a hippie community in the Florida wilderness, how he used to like me when we were teenagers. I think that last part made Jeremy the most uncomfortable. And even more so when he learned that Mike also had a thing with my sister. That was actually one reason I never dated Mike - he kissed my sister. Strange notion. Ah, anyway...I should be hitting the hay. I have three more (10-page) research papers to grade for my seniors tomorrow. I also have to complete lesson plans, typing semester exams, organizing all of my teaching stuff, and starting my grad school work for the week (I am a bit worried about the class that I thought would be the easier of the two).

I think I might ask Mike V. if he wants to get together next weekend. His grandmother passed away, and I think he could use some support. I know his girlfriend is really picking up where I left off - he had been getting his support from me when he was single. She is so good to him, and I am certain she is making sure he feels cared for.

My sleep problems are back already. I noticed a difference in sleep patterns a few days ago. Perhaps I will read a chapter or two of my Harry Potter books.

Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite! [BITE, BITE, BITE!]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written. I could perhaps argue that defining anything as "normal" is simply confining oneself to a false view of "Status Quo."

I hope I am never looked at as "Normal". I like to live a bit more freely then that. I like that you used the Term "opt." Because I do often opt to be the different one in the group.

Anyway, Mike just left here. It was nice to catch up. Joe C. even stopped by to say hello.

And to answer your question about "Who says that in front of their spouse!?! Or the woman's fiance!?!" That would be me. I have that problem.

Phillip H often tells peopleI have diarrhea of the mouth. Admittedly, I probably do.

At least it keeps me from being normal. ;)