I'm making progress. My parents tell me this regularly, but it only really means something to me when my therapists tell me this. I still have a very long way to go. This is becaue my therapists see this every day. My left side is buliding alot of strength (the right cerebral aneurysm has had a huge impact on the left side of my body).
I'm reading a lot lately. It's work that causes me pain, but thre is just so much I feel I need to learn about this aneurysm (especially because the clipping procedure is no guarantee that it won't burst again and cause another stroke and/or death).
My eyes are finally returning to the left when reading paragraphs. It used to take a lot of conscious effort, but now it just happens.
Yeseterday, my physical therapist said I am doing things already that I shouldn't be able to do because of the level of trauma and the relativelyshort amount of time since my surgeries.
The pain is the same as it was when I firstr woke up in th ehospital. There is a part of me that almost wishes I were still there - I"d probably b getting morphine at this point. Oxycodone and Tylenol do nothing for me. I"m in constant excruciating pain, and I wonder why I'm even bothering to stick around.
I know that I will be able to recover and rebuild if I stick to the the program, but it's difficult.
I'm glad that my left brain is doing fine (overanalysis, language, etc.). I don't know how I"d be able to handle this is I couldn't communicate or pick things apart.
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