Monday, December 22, 2008

The Talk

No, it's not a parent-child sex talk story, although I do have a 100-word story with that specific situation (from 2000 or 2001) that I might consider posting at some point.

Jeremy and I had a lengthy discussion tonight about, well, almost everything in our relationship, from our laziness about chores to a spiritual connection. He didn't shy away from talking about our feelings, although his body language told me that he felt uncomfortable. He turned slightly away from me, which I commented on. He made the effort to face me and really forced himself to maintain eye contact.

I usually don't get to have full conversations about that stuff with him. I'm hoping that this will mark a new direction for us. Relationships don't run themselves; they are work. It is necessary for the couple to sit down every so often inform the other about their concerns in a calm, rational manner. We haven't had one of our discussions in some time, and it was great to voice some things that have been causing me to lose sight of what's important. He shared his perspective on some of these things, too, which made me think things, like "God, I miss this!" Thoughts like that tell me that we used to do this a lot more and, at some point, we stopped. I don't like that we have grown too comfortable in our roles. It's time to shake things up a bit, I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
