Sunday, August 15, 2010

"Two dollars!"

So, a short while back, I was "unfriended" by someone I have known most of my life. We used to be extremely close, but over the years, the friendship felt more like her trying too hard and me trying too little. This year, it came to a head.

The unfolding of the irritation is not what I wish to focus on; it's more about the manner in which she unfriended me. She decided to not act like an adult of almost 30 years. She decided to resort to just removing me from that part of her life. I'm actually okay with it because of how rude she was to me at a barbecue I attended (and yes, I was invited). She had been cold at other points, too, including her bachelorette party, even though I was the one taking care of her when her other friends continued having a good time. C stepped in to help me after roughly 35 minutes of taking care of her by myself, which was nice, but no one else bothered to even acknowledge that she had become ill.

I don't believe she recalls this. I don't believe she knows that yes, I did help pay for that party, even though it was more than I could really afford at the time and way more than anyone should be asked to pay. My replacement as Maid of Honor paid way too much for that evening. I also gave presents, as expected.

Hell, I had even allowed her to borrow a book to help her plan her wedding. She never returned it (even stating that she wanted to give it to one of her friends - I told her I'd like my book back), and I now feel like the kid in Better Off Dead saying "I want my two dollars!"

It's unfortunate that it has come to this, but I guess I am ready for her to not be a part of my life.

My life has been pretty good lately, despite some injuries. She hasn't bothered asking, and I haven't volunteered.

1 comment:

MrsPookJohansen said...

yuck! that's a stinky situation...and sounds quite juvenile. Glad you were the grown up and chose to be have as such =)