Friday, April 28, 2006


I went to the library today. I was surprised to see so many people; half my town must have been in there. I ducked into the non-fiction area to avoid them. I love the smell of books. It's like the breezeway bookcase at my grandmother's house. Musty with a hint of dried binding glue. I find it relaxing. I checked out four books and three DVD's.

I don't have much planned for the weekend. Jeremy won't be driving out, and I am not feeling very social - I have a slight cold. It's not inconvenient, as much as part of would like to be a baby about it. I just feel run-down. I have slight blurred vision and my sinuses have been draining. Ears popping. Nose running. Sore throat. Really not a big deal.

I learned from a coworker today that I should be concerned, especially if I find mysterious little gifts, like flowers and candy, in my office. He apparently has a small history of this sort of behavior. And it doesn't matter if the female has someone in her life already. My coworker informed me that should things turn out like that, as she projects them to, then I need to contact administration immediately. This situation is all too familiar for me.

I am a little wound up. I am feeling like shaking things up and doing something different. Maybe I should set up a tent just off my patio and sleep outside this weekend. I have a sleeping bag, etc. It could be fun. Or maybe I should wait until all of the Advil is out of my system and get drunk. Getting drunk alone is depressing, though. I'm a lot more fun with a crowd. Perhaps tomorrow I will pick up a bottle or two of my favorite wine. I can even walk to the winery on my way back from the library - I am in an intense reading mood.

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