I woke around 9 this morning and walked to village hall and the library. I dropped off my utility bill payment and the DVD's. I continued walking around the nature trails here. It was a really great morning for walking. Cool breeze, sunshine, lots of quiet. Altogether, I spent an hour and 45 minutes walking.
I still have to write my personal statement for my grad school applications. I have been putting it off for so long - not because I want to, but because whatever I write seems to juvenile and silly. If I don't come across as sincere, direct, and well, professional, it could keep me from entering the school I want. Suggestions? Does anyone know what I should focus on if I am planning on studying comparative literature? I know what I'd say if I were pursuing a master's degree in German.
I am being so critical of myself because it means so much. I know that. I should send in any one of the pieces I've written recently. They would be sufficient, but I want to be considered for a grad assistantship. That requires so much more.
I need a night away from all this. I should contact James or Noah. Maybe Lorik or Paul. Aubrey and Amanda would definitely go out tonight. So would Jarrod, if he isn't working at the hospital tonight. I should call people and tell them to meet me at Bell's or Kraftbrau around 10 or so. We'll see who shows up. I really wish Nicole would move back from Miami. We'd hit the clubs every weekend. That would awesome.
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