Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I have an interview scheduled at one of the Catholic schools in the Detroit area. I am considering calling to cancel. I love teaching in that type of environment, but the salary and the policies will not be helpful to Jeremy and me. I am going to sleep on it, though, and decide whether or not to call and cancel.

Positives: great curriculum, respectful and responsible students, great class size, involved parents, positive atmosphere, Catholic social teaching, conducive to me starting my master's program and going to school in the evenings, extremely professional workplace.

Negatives: not allowed to live with Jeremy (could get fired for "cohabitation"), salary is much lower and public school counterparts, Catholic social teaching, arrogant students who do not feel it is to their benefit to help others, no money for grad school.

Other things to consider: all-boys school (not necessarily positive or negative), farther away than I planned to travel (but highways are everywhere in that area - and this may determine where I do my graduate study; however, with rising gas prices...), belonging to a church (I keep trying to be a true believer - I need all the help I can get), I haven't set up my interviews with other school districts (should be doing this very soon) and I don't want to use up my personal days (hell - I can't even get a personal day for this interview - I might have to call in sick).

I guess the question is would I take the job if offered? I honestly don't know.
It was a struggle financially last year when I worked at a Catholic school. This put a lot of strain on my relationship with Jeremy because I had to work a total of three jobs, just to break even. It will be tough enough with me taking graduate classes. On the flipside, Catholic schools offer such a great venue for teaching. I don't think I've ever taught so much and in so much depth as I did at the Catholic school.

Oh, what to do...

I applied to several other Catholic schools a little closer to where I will be living, and I expect to hear from them very soon.

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