Monday, May 22, 2006


I had a little panic attack today. I went to the center lounge area of my school building to get a cup of water and I almost had a run-in with the guy. I started to open the door, and there he was. I froze for a second and then nearly sprinted down the hall and around a corner. I'm not sure what I am so afraid could be that I don't know if he is going to say or do something horrible to me in retaliation for calling him out on his inappropriate conduct.
I know I have to work with him, but I really don't want him near me. One of the teachers saw me and called me into her office. She said I looked "a bit rattled." She calmed me down and I went on my way.
I like that others are looking out for me. I like that good people are still out there.
I hate that this guy gets to me and makes me feel panic. I want to be indifferent. Why can't that be so?

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