Sunday, May 21, 2006


I slept in until about 9 this morning - not a bad time. Last night I told myself I would go running, but now, all I want to do is sit around. I know about 1/2 a mile in I will start to enjoy what I am doing, but gathering the motivation to go is harder than hell.

I had the dream again in which I lose my teeth. This time, though, only the molars were dropping out. I don't know what causes this dream, but I am eager to find out. Perhaps a shrink or a hypnotist can help with this one. Or maybe it's just time for me to make a dentist appointment.

I hope James calls me today. Maybe we can do something absolutely silly and go fly kites on the beach in South Haven. I am feeling a little odd today.

1 comment:

Peaj said...

Yea we have been lazy lately but today we all went for a 2 mile walk. It is not jogging but walking is just as good. It felt wonderful.