Saturday, May 20, 2006


I called a number of my friends last night and today to schedule something to do. I am just not good when left alone.

MP is probably chasing after some boy.
Reenee is probably working overtime or spending time with her boyfriend.
MV is pretty much a flake. Sometimes I want to hit him - he can be so inconsiderate.
NK is too far away - and plus her hubby is returning home from rehab.
AJO is an absolute pill lately.
MZ mentioned she'd like to go out drinking - perhaps I will call her later this afternoon.
Jeremy is in Minneapolis doing more aviation training for his promotion.
Nate is married now and it would be weird if he came to visit - I think his wife works weekends.
Beck is too busy with her beau. I'm happy for her, but I never get to see her.
Bren is preparing for his wedding.

I called a friend/colleague from work. This week has been the week from hell for her, and I wanted to make sure she is okay. She was out running - something I should be doing, but I don't really have it in me. I never learn. Whenever I consume alcohol, I experience pain in my kidneys the following several days. I think my kidney stone last year really caused some permanent damage as it passed.

I baked a small batch of chocolate chip cookies. I ate a few and then decided it was a bad decision to make food with refined sugar. What I need to do is give away all of my material possessions and live in a hippie commune. I'd eat healthy organic foods and not be so attached to things. Hell, it couldn't hurt to gain more socialist ideals, considering this country seems to be moving more and more in that direction.

I need to do something productive. I am thinking I will read the rest of As I lay Dying, then do some writing (both creative and academic). Afterward (or maybe prior to) I will study more music theory and German. I need to sign up for the teacher certification test for both, so some studying is necessary.


Anonymous said...

I gave away or sold almost everything I owned. My goal was to get everything I have left into one bedroom. So far I have everything down to 1 5*10 storage unit and my bedroom.

I am much happier now with so much less. I just need to get rid of the few dressers and refridgerators and stuff I have left.

I know you were probably kidding, but I to have considered moving to a commune. I know several people who live in communities that share work, Jobs and a community purse.. and have often stayed with them for periods of time.

Lish said...

Only part of me was kidding. I used to visit a commune for drumming circles and such just outside of Kalamazoo. They all seemed so content working toward common goals and sharing everything.