Thursday, July 06, 2006


The phone calls for interviews have halted. This is typical. What usually happens is for about three weeks in the middle of the summer, no calls come in, but they do pick up again. I suppose that is okay. I have my German test on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, Jeremy and I are going to take care of all the paperwork at the complex. We almost signed for a place in Ypsi. It's actually a decent area - south section near Ford Lake, but the townhouses we are looking at are more affordable and offer more storage. Plus, I would much rather live in Canton, anyway.

I can do some landscaping both in front of and in back of my individual unit. I've missed being able to have all of my plants outside. I really took up gardening in college. I grew flowers and vegetables wherever I could.

Perhaps once we're settled in, we will have a small get-together. I would love to barbecue and entertain.

I have been studying German for the better part of the day today. I know I need to keep working on it, but I just cannot bring myself to do it.

I am feeling more positive about teaching German, but I still don't really want to do it. I know I probably could do it, so that is progress. I am hoping to be truly excited about the idea by the end of August. It usually takes me a while to get used to change. At least I have had plenty of time to let the idea grow on me.

Ich habe eine Idee...Does anyone remember enough German from years ago to hold a simple conversation with me? Meine Deutschesprache ist nicht so formal (oder gut), und ich brauche mit einander sprechen. Ich habe viele vergessen. Deutsch war mein zweite Hauptfacher in der Universitat, aber ich kann diese Sprache nicht fliesend sprechen. My German is absolutely atrocious at this point. Hilf mir, bitte!

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