Sunday, July 23, 2006


I returned to Paw Paw at midnight tonight. My weekend was definitely a good one. Jeremy was able to make it to the wedding reception - he arrived only minutes before the end, but he did get to say a few words to my relatives. My uncles told me he is "one of us." It's always good to hear when your family accepts your significant other as part of the family. They then started in on the "When are you two gonna get married already?" lines. Although I love the mention of Jeremy and I in the context of marriage, I still tried to divert attention to two of my cousins who are also in long term relationships. It is far easier (and much less whiney) than saying, "Hey, Jeremy and I have very little cash. Mom and Dad spent all of the money they had set aside for my wedding on Autumn's wedding."

But, I digress...The ceremony was short and sweet (I love 15-minute ceremonies!). The hall was simple and elegant with a variety of choices at the (OPEN!!!) bar. I started drinking very early. I had downed three drinks during the first half hour, which did end up making me quite the entertainer - I need to let that Lish out much more often. The bartender was mixing the drinks a bit strong. I cannot remember the last time I drank so much vodka. Over the next several hours, I polished off many more drinks, sobered up, then fell drunk again. I stopped drinking two hours before the end, just so that I could have time to sober up. My dad agreed to photograph the wedding for my cousin, so I was elected to assist whenever my mom wanted to visit with family. Carrying cameras worth more than my college tuition is not a responsibility to take on while inebriated, so I tried to keep it together.

One of my younger cousins (a senior in high school) and I talked about tennis camp and what to expect during her final year of school. I kept apologizing for being completely drunk while talking. She just laughed. I had a heart-to-heart talk with Autumn's husband about making sure he doesn't ignore her to work on computers (which he's been doing lately). I told him the same thing happened in our house growing up, and that is when my mother really turned into a nag. I really don't want my sister to turn into my mother.

I was sober by the time Jeremy showed up, which was nice. We had to load up the photography equipment. We said good-byes to everyone and then went home.

When we woke Sunday morning, we got ready and went to IKEA to buy a set of dishes and then drove by our townhouse. We sign the papers and pick up the keys on Friday!!! We have an end-unit that backs up to a small park and playground. I should have checked if they have one of those merry-go-rounds. I used to love getting drunk and having contests with friends to see who would vomit first. Stupid, I know, but it killed time in our pathetic, little lives.

Brendan and Amanda live in the same complex, so already we feel more comfortable. I can't wait to have barbecues with them. Also, Brendan and I have sort of started a writer's group. Since I have the workshop background, I think he's looking to me to really set parameters and explain the process. So far, we've worked on a large portion of a novel he is writing and two of my shorter fiction pieces. I am working with two others, but they are not in the area at present. I am hoping that Mike will drive down from Fenton every so often to meet, and that Eric will, at least, send more through email.

Jeremy and I are pricing new furniture and planning the rest of our summer. We plan to meet up with Mike and Noelle mid-August, and we will go to Traverse City with Joel and Jill for a weekend in two-three weeks. We may even hit the Tom Petty concert at DTE. Maybe Melissa and Neil want to go with us. Or perhaps Becky and Dave. We'll see.

I just need to turn off my mind and get some sleep.


Anonymous said...

If the invitation is an open one, I'd love to go.... I saw Tom Petty when I was in high school and it was a great show. I'd like to see him perform again sometime...

Lish said...

I will keep you posted on whether or not we do actually make it official on our calendar.

How's Germany? If you could, would you pick up something tacky that I can put in my classroom? I will pay you back. I just want some authentic German stuff in the room.