Thursday, June 22, 2006


The ceiling is leaking again. I have to put in another call to maintenance. The worker yesterday said he went upstairs and took care of it. Unfortunately, whatever he did was ineffective. I have sopped up most of the water, but the carpet needs for the excess water to be extracted professionally. I am certain there is damage to the walls, as well. I sprayed a bleaching agent to thwart mold growth, but I really don't think it will help all that much.

I have found myself online for the better part of the day. I found one old friend and sent her a message. I was surprised to see her image on a friend's myspace friendlist. I hope she receives it soon and contacts me. It's been way too long. Jess and I go way back.

I am hoping I can find Carrie again. We had been in contact about six months ago but lost touch once again. I don't know what is driving this urge to reconnect with old friends - probably seeing some of them at Brendan's wedding made me realize how much I do miss them.

Why did we stop hanging out? Will things change when I move back in July?

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