Today was a different sort of day. The maintenance man actually fixed the leak from upstairs. I still need the water in the carpet extracted, but it is great that the dripping ceased.
I received my paycheck in the mail. The school district must have sent them out two days early - the mail in this part of the state is ridiculously slow. I was so pleased to see that union dues are not being taken out. That means an extra $40. for my bank account. I know $40. isn't that much, but when it feels like "extra", I can put more over into my savings.
I visited the district office and then walked the nature trail behind my school. I don't know what got into me, but at some point I started jogging. I had gone there to take pictures of the river, but I was jogging instead. It isn't a long trail, but I jogged for approximately half of it, which did make me break a sweat. It felt good. The uneven ground wasn't a problem, and my knee didn't ache afterward. I then went to the library and checked out "March of the Penguins". What an adorable film! I also watched "A Walk to Remember" (I've started reading a lot of Nicholas Sparks' books, as well as watching the movies). I had seen portions of it before, so it was nice to finally see how it all pieced together. The final movie on my checkout list was the Walmart documentary. I've been really into documentaries lately. Some of the sequences are choppy, just like in a Shakespeare documentary I own, but it definitely sends its message.
Jeremy is waking early tomorrow to come out for a visit. I planned to get to sleep early, but that is just not going to happen. I drank a little alcohol, so I've been bouncing around cleaning. I came down from my buzz about half an hour ago, and decided to check my email and respond to Chuck's blog entry. I am also playing Spider Solitaire, a new obsession in my quest for repetitive games.
I think I should finish cleaning my living room and then study German. I do have that test on the 8th.
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