Thursday, June 15, 2006


My day has been slipping by so quickly.

I woke many times throughout the night from nightmares. Not the typical unsettling dreams that involve losing teeth and/or running from someone - but the type that make my heart thump so hard that I think I am having heart trouble. Last night I kept falling back into the same dream: a blond man roughly my age was killing my entire family (which wasn't my family in real life). There were three children, two boys, one girl. The girl was on the grass bleeding from her abdomen. He had swung an axe from my shed into her.
I woke up.
When I fell asleep again, the dream started off differently. I was in the neighborhood of the same house, though, meeting with a Bible study group from whatever church was mine. The same man came driving by in an old pick-up truck and fired at us with a shotgun.
I woke myself up. I usually know when I am dreaming and tend to choose to wake up. I sat up for a few minutes, read a few pages of a German book, and then turned out the light and tried to sleep again.
This time, I was back at the house and the man was inside with me. He punched me and then I was running (a little more like my typical bad dreams). The problem was that this time, one of the boys was next to me and grabbed my leg and bit my knee. I woke up to pain. I am wondering if one of my cats might have bitten me or latched on with her claws (one of them used to have a nasty habit of attacking anything that moved under the covers).
I decided to get up and go get water. I turned on a DVD and watched a few minutes of Hitch.
I dozed off in my living room and fell into a dream that was, once again, in the same place, only I was looking out a glass window at the guy in the same truck.
It stopped after that, and I was in another dream where I was having a snowball fight with my childhood friends. We were about seven or so, and I was on the old Cooper Elementary site. I had a few other dreams that were somewhat boring.

Has anyone ever experienced this? What triggers something like this? Does anyone know about the psychology behind this stuff? Am I totally cracked?

Anyway, I woke after nine and plunked away on the computer for almost four hours finishing comments on a friend's story. Then I showered and started cleaning again. I really need to find a hobby outside of my apartment. I went shopping for something new to wear to Bren's wedding. It took me about three hours, but I found something decent. The only problem is that I cannot decide which shirt to wear with it. I bought two different ones because I couldn't decide. I like them both too much and they accent the skirt in great but different ways. I guess I will have to ask Jeremy for his input. He'll probably suggest whichever one comes off the easiest. Did I just say that? Shame on me.

I spoke to Jeremy's mom about my job offer. She wants a full report after I go to the next interview. I am looking to get the best possible deal out of my move back to the Detroit/Ann Arbor area. I have no problem using one offer as leverage to push another district to pay me more. That is the plan.

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