Gay bars are so much fun!
I hung out with two of my straight guy friends last night. We barhopped for several hours and then hit a gay bar. While one of the guys and I had a smashing time out on the floor - I was pole dancing, dancing with random men, and being plain silly - the other just sort of slipped away. I was initially dancing with both guys, but guy #2 went off to sit somewhere. He was not thrilled about being in a gay bar, even though he has no issue with gay people. I think he was just hoping to find some interesting women. And being hit on by men is not really his cup of tea. He took each invitation to dance as a compliment, but that wasn't what he though the night would end like.
I got home and tried to sleep, which didn't work. Well, not right away, anyway. As my body "healed", I started to feel really ill. I have never before experienced a hangover, but I am fairly certain that that is what I was feeling. I tried to swallow two liters of water, but I couldn't hold it down. My eyes were screaming when I turned on lights. My body didn't ache, and my head really didn't hurt. I was somewhat dizzy, though. After a number of hours, I was able to slip into a nice restful state. I woke up to drink water and nibble on pizza crust while watching The Two Coreys (fucking lame - what a waste of my time!). Then, I got my mail and watched the Samantha Brown: Passport to Europe (Germany, Switzerland, and Austria) DVD I ordered for my German classes this year.
Jeremy called to see if I want to fly up to Traverse City tonight, but I don't think it's wise. I have an interview on Monday morning, and I would rather not risk being bumped from flying back tomorrow night. I wouldn't be able to make it back on Monday until afternoon if that happened, and thus, I'd miss my interview with one of the best districts in Michigan. I also need to update my teaching portfolio and practice interview questions (people forget how necessary that is). I also need to study up on Spanish - I will have to demonstrate my competence not only in English but German and Spanish, as well.
Yep, that'd be a hangover. YAY!
Awh! Mike and I are up in Traverse City this weekend, and we've been looking for something to do today. Too bad, you could have hitched a ride back with us tonight.
One of these days we'll both make it up here at the same time!!!
As much as I would have liked to go up to Traverse City this weekend, I'm glad I hung out in Ann Arbor. I had so much fun. It's just too bad that I felt like crap yesterday - we would have had to leave yesterday afternoon. I definitely don't think I was in any shape to fly anywhere.
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